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Gift Guide 2018: 8 Dog-Approved Christmas Gifts For Pet Lovers

Note: This post is originally by Metro.Style. You may find the original article here. Thank you for including us!

Christmas isn't just a merry time for the human members of families; dogs love the season just as much, especially when they can look forward to discovering gifts for them under the tree, too!

Give our beloved canine pals—and their human owners—the priceless gift of joy and opportunities to bond with each other with any (or all!) of the items on this gift guide that's made for the biggest dog lovers in our lives.

Always remember that canine pals might not be able express holiday cheer the same way as you and I, but that certainly doesn't mean they can't sense the excitement that comes with the season; that non-stop tail-wagging, face-licking, and happy barking are all you need to see and hear to know that your thoughtful gifts were much appreciated!

What: Loving Pets Gobble Stopper

Where to get it: Bow and Wow

Who it's perfect for: Pooches who get over-enthusiastic about mealtime and completely forget to chew their food

While it might be endearing to see dogs devour every mouthful of their breakfasts, lunches, and dinners, never forget that eating too quickly can pose tummy issues for furry friends. Indigestion, bloating, bowel problems, gassiness, regurgitation, and (God forbid) choking are some of the major consequences of doggies gulping down food without chewing properly, so their owners have to devise ways to protect them from this!

The last thing you want to deal with is a trip to the vet this Christmas for tummy trouble, so consider getting your dog a Loving Pets Gobble Stopper. Designed specifically to pace fast eaters, these bowls' designs at their centers weren't just meant to be cute; they were put there to encourage your dog to mouth or lick around for their food in the little crevices and curves rather than consume mouthfuls at a time.

It definitely helps that these bowls come in awesome colors for dogs' owners to appreciate!

What: Kong chew toy

Where to get it: Bow and Wow

Who it's perfect for: Pooches who have a strong tendency to be mouthy when bored or restless

Raise your hand if you're a dog owner who has discovered table legs, slippers, or cabinet corners chewed on by your dog.

We've all experienced the frustration of chancing upon a damaged item because of an unoccupied dog in need of something to keep themselves busy. You might be angry at them at first, but do realize that that's just them being dogs; many of them are likely going to create their own games for themselves in the instances when you're busy, away, or unable to give them attention, but worry not, because there is a simple antidote to this undesirable behavior.

Introduce your dog to Kong toys, or specifically, its chew toy that you can easily stuff with their favorite treats. (Peanut butter and cheese are the most popular!). It keeps them busy for literally hours at a time, providing mental stimulation, jaw exercise, a reason to stay in one spot, and of course, a reason to love you even more.

What: Pet vacuum

Where to get it: Dogs and the City

Who it's perfect for: Pooches who don't particularly enjoy home grooming sessions

It's a dream to have your dog sit still during a bath or a thorough brushing, but let's be real; even with treats at the ready, they'll likely get up several times, attempt to bite a brush, avoid water at all costs, or just plain run away! Getting their fur silky smooth can be a real challenge for most dog owners, so to make the process of turning their dogs into picture-perfect pooches, gift them with this.

Dogs in the City has a handy dandy cordless, non-intimidating pet vacuum on hand that won't scare dogs or cause them discomfort. It's perfect for dogs with long and short coats alike, and it's extremely easy to clean once the grooming session is over.

Dogs won't even realize what went on even when you've finished getting them nice and clean, as this product pretty much makes them feel like you're simply giving them a prolonged whole-body massage!

What: Frosty bowl

Where to get it: Dogs and the City

Who it's perfect for: Pooches who are picky drinkers

Even in the Christmastime, tropical weather insists on making the days hot, hot, hot! Responsible pet owners will remember to give their dogs fresh water as often as possible to keep them hydrated, but did you know that there are dogs who are picky drinkers and only lap water from their bowl if what's in front of them is cold water?

It's virtually impossible to keep checking up on your dog's water bowl to make sure that their water is at a temperature they approve of, so pet owners, rejoice. There is now a frosty bowl, a doggy product developed exactly for this purpose.

It keeps water cooler for longer, and is essentially the pet version of an insulated thermos or tumbler that helps keep our beverages at ideal temperatures.

What: Neem Pet Care System

Where to get it:

Who it's perfect for: Pooches extremely prone to skin and fur problems

Everyone knows that going organic when it comes to personal care is a great choice to make, but the trend now extends to dogs, in case you haven't heard yet! And it's not just with food, either; just like their owners, their skin and fur reach their glossiest, sleekest potential when only the best products made of all-natural ingredients are used.

Forgo harsh chemical grooming products and turn your attention to this complete set of pet grooming and skincare products made by Fetch! Their newest offering, the Neem Pet Care System Bundle, fits the bill exactly.

Formulated with neem tree extracts, this collection's liquid shampoo, shampoo bar, leave-on rinse, and three-in-one cleaner/deodorizer/bug repellant is what a pet owner of a sensitive-skinned dog needs, as they're antiseptic, antiviral, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, and antifungal all in one. These products' medicinal qualities are exactly what your dog's skin needs to heal quickly and painlessly, and best of all, to protect it from recurring or having new problems in the future.

What: Dog-friendly cakes

Where to get it: Whole Pet Kitchen

Who it's perfect for: All pooches!

We know the drill: never give a dog chocolate, and avoid giving them sweets of any sort as much as possible—even when they look at you with longing eyes.

The need to exercise self-control to not share dessert with your dog this Christmas will be exponential as your spread will surely feature tons of sweets, pastries, and cakes, but luckily for pet owners, the Whole Pet Kitchen came up with a genius way to stop the torture!

They're an expert cake maker, but the delicious creations are made especially for the canines in our lives. They're crafted from natural doggy treats and are done in lovely color combinations and designs, which means they're picture-ready, too. Who said that only humans could enjoy treats during the holidays? Get your dog something special for noche buena, too!

What: iFetch

Where to get it: @iFetchPH

Who it's perfect for: Pooches who want to play, and play, and play, and play, and play...

There are low-energy dogs, there are level-headed dogs, and then there are dogs with limitless energy reserves. This gift is for the third kind of pooch!

It's fun to be part of the favorite games our dogs love to play, but there will be inevitable times when dogs will want to keep going and pet owners will want to take a break or need to step away to do something else. To solve this conundrum, iFetch, a brand of intelligent toy design, has brought an automatic ball thrower for your dog to interact with on its own.

It's mentally challenging (your pooch has to learn how it works, but it'll be an easy process!) and obviously, a great way to keep them moving should they want more physical activity during their day. Leave your dog with this awesome invention and enjoy watching them have the time of their lives.

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